Looking for 2023 Restaurant Week information, click here.
It’s time to venture out and enjoy what Dover restaurants have to offer! Dover Main Street is happy to announce the 2022 Dover Restaurant Weeks! Yes, you heard it correctly, with over 70 restaurants in Dover we have expanded Restaurant Week to two weeks! We will be celebrating from July 10th through July 24th and Dover Main Street will be giving out over $1,000 in gift cards to these great establishments daily along with a grand prize of $250 in Restaurant gift certificates to be announced on July 24th.
Each day, Dover Main Street will be holding drawings and awarding individuals who engage with our social media posts by sharing their “dining-out” experiences. Be sure to follow Dover Main Street on Facebook to get instant updates throughout Dover Restaurant Week.
Not a follower of social media, no problem! Listen to WTSN with Mike Pomp weekdays between July 8 th and July 23 rd for your chance to win a $25 gift card to one of Dover’s fabulous eateries.