Where can I purchase Dover Dollars? Dover Dollars can be purchased at Dover City Clerk's Office at City Hall, Garrison HIll Florist, Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce and Spires Video. Dover Dollars can be purchased with cash or a personal check. Credit Cards are not accepted at this time.
What denominations are available? Dover Dollars are available in $5, $10, $20, $25 and $50 denominations.
What is a Dover Dollar?
Dover Dollars is a program that has been in place since 2000 to encourage local shopping and dining. Dover Dollars can be purchased for a variety of occasions, allowing the recipient to choose where they’d like to redeem their Dover Dollars while keeping the purchase local.
How do you use a Dover Dollar?
Dover Dollars can be used at most local merchants and restaurants. Check with the business’s staff to ensure that they will accept Dover Dollars prior to making a purchase. For redemption, make the Dover Dollars check payable to the merchant. If you do not use the full value of the Dover Dollars, the excess funds will be returned to you in cash.
What if my Dover Dollars Check has expired?
No worries, bring the Dover Dollars check to any of the distribution locations (Greater Dover Chamber of Commerce, Garrison Hill Florist, City Hall or Jewelry Creations) and they will issue a replacement. If that is not convenient, email info@dovermainstreet.org and we will work with you via the mail to get a replacement out to you as soon as possible.
I am a merchant accepting Dover Dollars, how does this work?
Dover Dollars are like any other check you would receive. The check is made payable to your establishment and deposited to your business bank account. If a patron is using a check that is more than the purchase, you would accept the check for the full amount and give back cash for the remaining value. If a member of your staff took a check that is outdated, reach out to info@dovermainstreet.org and we will replace it for you.
If you are a merchant and not currently on the list of accepting locations, please email info@dovermainstreet.org and we will be glad to add you to the list!